Implementation of independent citizen audit teams

Spans multiple categories.

Provide for establishment of an independent citizen audit teams across all 3 branches of government. Can be voluntary or more preferential a random draft (with ability to refuse for those that do not wish to partake).

In conjunction with a department of efficiency, the Audit teams would work with the Inspectors General of every department , Congressional Budget Office, Judicial oversight committees, etc to provide for an independent governmental oversight of governmental processes, budgeting, spending, and policies.

Teams would recommend policy, regulatory, and procedural changes to ensure alignment with Constitutional authorities, laws in place, and citizen liberties. Teams would server a term of 1 year and publish findings on a quarterly basis. Findings may include such items as: misappropriations, missing funds, restrictions on liberties, inefficiencies, and other items of note.

Teams would have complete autonomy and access to all records in their area of oversight (appropriate clearances would be reviewed and granted through DOD Judge Advocate Generals divvied among the service branches) with the exception of DOD oversight which clearances would be provided through Congressional oversight), can recommend enforcement in conjunction with Congressional oversight, can recommend enforcement to Executive branch, and can refer cases independently or in partnership with a governmental branch or State(s) to federal court for governmental overreach with immediate conferred standing.

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