Nesara Gesara reset of the global economy wipe out all debts and usher in a new era of financial prosperity. The theory has its roots in the National Economic Security and Recovery Act (NESARA), a proposed economic reform package introduced in the 1990s by private citizen Harvey Francis Barnard.
Debt Cancellation: Nesara Gesara proponents claim that all personal, corporate, and national debts will be permanently canceled, effectively wiping out the global debt burden.
Global Economic Reset: The theory envisions a new global economic system, free from the shackles of debt and interest, allowing for sustainable growth and prosperity.
Return to a Bimetallic Currency: Some proponents advocate for a return to a currency backed by gold and silver, rather than fiat currency.
A one world government?
I don’t think that’s why we voted Trump into office.
United States of America needs to stand alone as all other countries need to do the same
Who would be in charge and rule over all of this?
We do not need a world dictatorship.
It’s not about one world government. It’s about cleaning house and debts of every American and bringing the people back to a 0 in everything owed. A full reset on the American populace that we can build off of and start to create AMERICAN MADE. Stop relying on what other countries have and make and make it all here. Bringing back America innovation and the best way to do it is resetting America. So it has and had nothing to do with the one world governance. Only reason why I put the global is for the meaning of it. And if you have not noticed the world is looking to trump.
I’m not sure how this works for the lender.
If I loan $1,000,000 for someone to buy a house, all debt is erased? The bank is out $1M and the borrower gets a “free” house?
Someone had to pay for the property, materials, labor, permits, taxes, … to build the house.
I’ve lived my life within my means and am debt free. I don’t have a lot of things that I’d like to because I refuse to go into debt to get them. Your proposal penalizes me and rewards those who are deeply in debt. No go.
Absolutely not. That rewards people who were not fiscally responsible and punishes those who are. It’s a type of communism. I don’t want that, ever.
It’s communism. I paid off my student debts. When I became unable to work as many hours due to a long story, we sold our home and went to something 1/3 the size and paid off CC debts. No government needed.
This proposal is not communism, it’s insanity.
This idea encourages people and institutions to act irresponsibly. Government bailouts are a terrible concept. Rack up debt, who cares. Make poor financial decisions, make someone else pay my bills.
Grow up, act responsibly, mommy and daddy can’t fix your problems forever.
Sad part is all I owe is on my house but you have many misfortunates in inner city, North Carolina, Georgia, and Florida that have been held down and or do need the bail out and reset. It’s people like you that think everyone needs their mommy and daddy to bail them out is a sad fact of what this country once was. Like you no one not even a loan has bailed me out of anything and I have always paid off my debts. But keeping people down when the government ran rabid and made them lose everything like in North Carolina, Georgia and Florida - they should see a brighter future and not one from this tyrannical Biden Harris Obama Clinton sect. It’s people like you that won’t go out to these people and help so yeah you can stay home and be a computer warrior and bitch about a reset that would do everyone good. Even those that have paid everything off would benefit from it and nothing communistic about it.
I empathize with your situation. Something needs to be done to help victims of natural disasters.
FEMA and insurance companies have failed the American people for far to long.
Possibly something like a 0% or very low percent loan to aid the people. The COVID crisis gave low or 0% loans and issued relief checks to people and businesses. Unfortunately, some people took advantage of the program and defrauded billions of dollars from state and federal taxpayer funds.
My issue is how these financial troubles are handled. The automobile and airline industries have received billions of bailout dollars of taxpayer money over the decades.
The average American taxpayer should not be liable for poor management of large influential industries.
Nesara was voted into law by Bill Clinton. There was many witnesses to this event. However Bad Billy forced the Congress and The Supreme court to Secrecy. The sitting President only needs to announce the NESARA law to the Public.