HSV is perhaps the most misunderstood virus within the medical community where even the doctors are misinformed about it’s symptoms. Many doctors are not even aware of the nerve issues that the virus is causing which is actually by far the most frequent symptom of the virus.
It is hard to know an exact number of how many people are infected with HSV1 and HSV2 because the tests aren’t great and studies differ a lot on who they determine as positive and not and where they test. Numbers do however tend to be around 10-30% for HSV2 and 50-80% for HSV1.
While this is true only around 0.5% of the population actually have a medical diagnosis for HSV2 and people are constantly misdiagnosed.
When someone is diagnosed with HSV2, at least 30% will enter a bad depression which they often never come out of, largely due to the lack of good treatment.
Valtrex fails to stop the outbreaks and only reduces the risk for spreading it by 50% per year in couples. It is based on acyclovir which has been around for 50 years and no other treatment has come out.
When diagnosed with HSV2 genitally people have 3-4 impossible choices to how to proceed with their life:
- Continue to live as normal and use condoms and the not so great AVs to reduce the spread and tell only long term partners about their condiction when they are about to enter a serious relationship.
- Be honest and tell every potential sexual partner right away and face rejections, rumor spreading (pretty bad in a world where everyone is connected through social media) and hope to finally settle for whatever partner that accepts them and be fine with the risk of one day spreading it to them.
- Skip dating entirely, isolate themselves and live a lonely life to avoid spreading it and take anti depressive therapy and hope to survive.
Additionally the testing other than blood anti body testing is mainly PCR cotton swabbing. This is mostly effective for uncommon large symptoms such as huge blisters filled with virus liquid. For smaller symptoms on thick skin areas it has a low detection rate.
This leads to a heavy misunderstanding within the medical community of how common non genital or mouth areas for the virus are such as herpes whitlow which is highly under reported as 2 in 100.000 people.
The main issue with the PCR testing is that it’s far too expensive costing up to 100 dollars per test and several tests are needed to find out how often you are shedding the virus, which visual symptoms to watch out for and which places of your body that are infected.
In Asia newer technology has been developed with tests that can cost as little as 1 dollar per test, something similar is needed for all patients globally.
The FDA has been far too hard on side effects in HSV treatments and pritelivir has been put on hold for far too long due to adverse effects on monkeys given extreme overdoses of the antiviral.
However the short term solution to stopping the spread of this virus and giving peoples life back is the second generation of these HPI AVs that have a much longer half life of up to a whole month and up to 4 times more effective than pritelivir with fewer side effects.
These are called IM-250 and ABI (Assembly Bio).
For people suffering from this virus, we can’t wait 10 years for this anti viral, we need it not today but yesterday because we are not getting any younger and we are only given one life.
Therefore I call for investment help to these projects and the quickest fast tracking program possible so that this can go from completed phase 1 testing to completed phase 3 testing in 2-3 years. And possibly for early access programs to the antiviral after successful phase 2.
Vaccines are sadly not doing well for treating nor preventing this virus.
In the long term we also want the gene editing programs to be sped up to fully cure this virus but the problem with gene editing is that it will take too long time until it becomes released and we need something now.
As a final thing I would like to add that herpes testing is not recommend when asking for a full STI test panel and spreading it while using condoms and AVs to avoid the spread but failing to tell a partner prior to sex can have severe legal suing consequences while not testing for it and spreading it without even using condoms has 0 consequences. Needless to say, this doesn’t exactly motivate people to get tested.