Immediate Investigations into DARPA, the Pentagon, and the DOD regarding the design and distribution of mRNA technology and funding to the pharmaceutical industry

Numerous reports over the recent years point to our military, specifically DARPA and the Pentagon, and the Department of Defense, as being the originating source behind the push for mRNA vaccines into humans and livestock across the United States. These particular military institutions are said to be the “covert ring leaders” of the toxic mRNA COVID (SARS) vaccines as well as the recently deployed mRNA BIRD FLU (H5N1) vaccines. If there is any truth to this, then it would suggest that our own military has turned on the American People and is actively in the process of debilitating and maiming them with spike proteins and prions.

Funding resources and mRNA technology is said to have been transferred from DARPA and DOD military labs to top pharmaceutical companies, promising them liability immunity for distributing the toxic mRNA vaccines. As well, it was also mentioned that the FDA was ordered by the military to issue a status other than “approved” – a status of “emergency use authorization” with a blanked out list of instructions and side effects on the mRNA vials themselves, to get around certain regulatory and legal restrictions associated with lack of proper testing prior to roll-out for general public consumption.

It is important at this stage, that we understand the degree to which the Pentagon and the Department of Defense are involved in the production and subsequent distribution of these deadly mRNA vaccines; and most importantly, the revelation of those behind this military coup, who have since weaponized the American military against the American People, deploying this form of 5th generation biowarfare against them. These toxic mRNA spike protein and prion injections need to be halted immediately and a thorough investigation into DARPA, the Pentagon, and the DOD should begin in order to determine the degree of collusion between these stated military institutions and the current pharmaceutical industry as it relates to mRNA technology and vaccines.


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Update on DARPA/Pentagon involvement. Trump administration uncovering documents describing how COVID was “created”…

Great job adding the details Susan. I felt there was a connection.
I also had a similar policy about MRNA so I’ll add it here:

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