Please inform the Public of the DAMAGE that was caused by the mandate
made in the Mid 1980’s to Immediately Clamp and Cut the Umbilical Cord at birth!
Attached are MANY articles written by Dr. George Malcom Morley, MD FACOG, who was the only doctor at the time, to stand up the the AMA refusing to perform ICC due to the damage it caused newborns. We did not have NICU like we do today before this mandate was given in the 1980’s. Babies did not need BLOOD TRANSFUSTIONS. He proved why there were more autistic boys than girls, as boys have a faster heart rate. The damage from losing two pounds of blood volume at birth happened faster for boys, as their heart beats faster. Boys would go into SHOCK immediately when the cord was clamped at birth.
YES, I am in full support of the immediate arrest or stop of vaccines. Notice that the people in charge of the vaccine course began their vaccine mandates in the 1980’s right in line with the ICC mandate. A perfect way to dismantle the babies immune system … parents had no idea the umbilical cord being clamped too early, they were just thinking there was some kind of trauma and usually it was something the mother caused…
I am attaching my Father’s articles. I realize people know about ICC. The practice has been stopped to a degree. BUT there are people who do not know. THE PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW THIS!!! IT CANNEVER BE ALLOWED TO HAPPEN AGAIN!!
I learned in my midwifery training that when the baby is born, it still has 1/3 of its blood volume still in the placenta. The placenta needs at least 20 minutes to deliver all that blood to the baby. Essentially, when the cord is clamped with all the blood still inside it predisposes the mother to hemmorrage because of the mechanics of how the placenta expulsion works, and it creates an artificially induced hemmorrage for the baby. So both mom and baby are then predisposed to immune compromise at a moment when they need everything working as well as possible!!! So much of obstetrics is just plain abuse and needs to end. I"m afraid we are a long way off from ending obstetrics as we know it but that is what I would love to see happen. Best film ever on truly natural birth: Birth as We Know It. Found at
Sarah, midwife at heart.
Sarah, you are so correct in your post!! If only people understood how important labor and delivery are to the baby and the mother. Nature is perfect, yet western medicine has done everything to make a mess of what nature does best. Think of an adult that has lost 1/3 of its’ blood volume!! If they are not dead, they are in seriously critical condition. That is what ICC does to the newborn. No wonder newborns whose cord is clamped immediately or within the first ten minutes of birth have massive immune deficiencies and even brain damage, etc… My Dad did a study in the early 2000’s after he retired from practice. He recorded the cases of babies who developed autism, ADD, or immune type defects. The babies were compared between babies who were delivered in hospital and babies who were delivered by midwives. The results were night and day. Babies born in the care of midwives did not show nearly any of the problems found in babies delivered in hospital.
Your mention of the mother being affected as well are absolutely true. The separation of mother and child at birth should be a journey, allowing the baby and mother time to rest together after the laborious entry of the child into to world. Mother and child need time to bond after delivery as both of their bodies adjust, the cord shuts down and then can be cut. Otherwise, as you describe the artificially induced hemorrhage causes a scar. It can be a physical scar as well as an emotional scar of separation to both child and mother.
I pray people become more away of the benefits to midwifery!!
Thank you for bringing up this subject. It is virtually unknown to most people, and ignored by many who do know. If you look at the cord right after birth, it’s obviously still working and is part of a vital life process. Why the instant clamp and cut? It makes good drama on the TV and movie screen, I guess. Let’s stop doing this, at best, useless, and at worst, harmful procedure.
Thank you, Angela!!
If people knew the damage ICC has done to newborns, OB’s would be locked up for mass genocide!! It does not take that much brain power to understand the cord is working to pump blood into the newborn baby who had just squeezed through the birth canal.
I was at a midwifery conference with my Dad about 15 years ago. One of the midwives told me about a conversation she had with a young OBGYN. She asked the young doctor, “What do you think would happen if you just left the cord alone until it stops pulsating…?” To her shocking surprise the young doctor said, “the baby will blow up from too much blood volume!” WOW!!
When my niece was born, my Dad was present and explained to my sisters doctor how to insure the blood was delivered to my niece as she was a c-section. The c-section birth went perfectly, however, hours later, while resting the night nurse wanted to BLEED her as this nurse had NEVER seen a PINK baby!! The babies were always purple or BLUE!!
Wow just learned something new, I had no idea. Wish I would have known this when I had my babies, the deception goes so deep and it’s so well hidden, glad that you are making people aware, this needs to be known.
Thank you, Ana!!
I am so thankful for this platform. Hopefully the information will get out to people. This is JUST as important as the vaccine piece as in my mind the evil people who came up with this practice worked hand in hand with big pharma to damage our children.
My Dad and Mom dedicated so much of their lives to stopping ICC and informing people, however, they got old and the platforms were not available nor were people ready to learn, when they started their battle with the AMA.
I pray we are ready for the TRUTH that is coming!!
God Bless!!