Cut off all funding, fine employers, threaten jail, and then offer FREE transportation out! They will take it by the millions! A lot cheaper than rounding them up!
First, to help get illegals to self deport, not only cut off ALL their benefits but send them an invoice of monies owed us for all they have received. Charge them for any benefit taken to date with INTEREST. and have payment penalties like banks, credit card companies and others do if delinquent by 30 days or 45 days.
Related to this invoice is to block or tax (50% or more) any remittences they try to send back to their home country or abroad.
Now another idea for those coming illegally or trying to enter via a legal crossing point is to set up holding FEMA like camps in Puerto Rico for Spanish speaking people and on a remote Aleutian Island in Alaska for all others. They need to be isolated and serrated from mainstream America.
We should have a migrant worker program to allow help in but that does not include the whole family. .just the work. . Similar to when we send a soldier abroad to a war zone, we do not send spouse & children. . they stay home. This allows a migrant worker, like a soldier, to do a “tour of duty” and then return to their home.
Instead of free transportation, withhold any monies going to their country of origin until each country picks up their citizens. Let the country of origin pay for the flights back. If a country refuses, then fly the people back and deduct the flights from whatever we would have given them.
See a post on last time amnesty was allowed.