Illegal Immigrants, Security for America

I propose we deport everyone who does not have citizenship or a valid visa. No long holding, no lawyers, no court dates, simply onto a plane and out to their country of origin, immediately. In fact, we need to review all new and therefore possibly questionably awarded visas and citizenships to make sure they are trustworthy applicants and not fraudulently shoved through the system by enemies of the state.

I’m sure there is a percentage of illegal immigrants who mean no harm and have no bad intentions. Maybe they were forced here or lured here or voluntarily came simply hoping to improve their lives. But the United States is a country with many enemies, and there is no doubt in my mind that we are now absolutely riddled with sleeper cells.

There’s no way to really know who is a part of a sleeper cell is and who isn’t.

I so hope this won’t sound patronizing because I really don’t mean it that way, but we Americans despite all our issues, have had it really good for a long time, compared to the rest of the world. When was the last time we were starving to death here? Or bombed out of our homes under sustained shelling? Or you were headed to the cafe when it exploded across the street with pieces of the barista from yet another suicide bomber this month. Stuff like that doesn’t generally happen here and it can be hard to understand that yes it really could.

As I understand it, our government has parts of it that have essentially gone rogue and done terrible things. It’s kind of hard to believe but it’s true that there are parts of the world that don’t understand that the American people have little to no clue what arms of our own government have done to them and they hate us. Really badly. They really are willing to come here and be an intentional drain on our system just to bog us down (I have heard an interview that bragged about exactly that) and stay here, for years and years, for their whole life, if need be, just waiting until someday they get the order to take action.

For only one example, we see people in other countries shouting, “death to America!” and in our kind hearts we think that’s just a few and they don’t really mean it. It must be exaggerated. We have no hostility towards them why would they even want to hurt us? What? And they’re on the other side of the world so whatever… until they’re now your neighbor. And they have beliefs like if they kill you, they’ll not only get revenge for stuff we don’t even know happened to them, but they’ll go straight to heaven to eternal luxuries, while being a hero to everyone they know on earth and their families and friends will be forever proud of them.

(We’re told we’re phobic, scared of their ethnic and religious differences, and therefore imagining a threat when they tell us to our face that they mean to kill us. That’s completely out of touch with reality, by the way.)

This open border has been setting out the welcome mat to the whole world, anyone who wishes us harm, to come here and get free stuff, and have a chance to dig in deep and hide for the future. To think of it from their perspective it would be too good of an opportunity to miss.

I’m sure we’ve got spies from every country on the planet, operatives of sorts I don’t even know exist, as well as people taking the chance to bring what they see as a holy war, a holy obligation even, to a neighborhood near you. China, Russia, North Korea, are also not real happy with us, remember. Are they going to miss the opportunity to get some people in here secretly? No, they’re going to pack the place with as many as will fit.

We’ve had years of outright brainwashing to make us think that if we see danger we’re hateful. If we move to protect ourselves from danger, we’re hateful. If we comprehend that not only do some people not love us, but they actually mean us grievous harm, very sincerely, we’re hateful. Yes, we’re bigots if we won’t submit to the disneyfied perception we’re told to have of every other country, race, and culture as if they couldn’t possibly accomplish hurting us. That’s a really insulting point of view to everyone involved if one thinks about it for a minute: They can and they will hurt us, kill us, overthrow our government, etc., if no one stops them. They’re all very capable, intelligent peoples, with strength of body, mind, and will. They have ingenuity and tremendous dedication. And some of them even have good reason to hate us… or actions of parts of our government at least.

The percentage of illegal immigrants who really did come here with good intentions and thought they could slip in the illegal way, to have a better life, are a cover for all the other ones. Intentionally or not. I’m sorry it’s probably not going to go nicely for them. I wish life would be happy and easy for all of them, and I wish they had made more farsighted choices, if they even had a choice.

But we can’t keep them, like a big eyed puppy who snuck in. There’s no way to know who’s a sleeper cell agent, who’s sent by China, sent by Russia, sent by North Korea, sent by the Cartels, sent by gangs, mafia, drug dealers, people traffickers, satanic murdergangs like MS13, or just the contents of other country’s prisons and insane asylums.

No, the cost, the danger, is way too high. They have to go. All of them, because we can’t tell them apart. Because it’s not about racism, it’s about the hate in some of THEIR hearts. If it was racism we could just pick out that race and leave the rest, easy. But it’s not that at all. Some of these people, strangely enough, really do mean it when they say “Death to America”. And they will do it … if we let them.

Let’s not.