Idea to handle multilingual form needs

About these long multilingual forms. They are surely a waste of money and postage.

I propose we stop sending out forms written in multiple languages. Instead give out English only forms but I think what we might need is a symbol. One universal, non-language symbol to put next to a phone number on any government form (or maybe not only government forms?) and a form ID number beside it. The symbol is only to identify to any language reader that this is the special language phone number out of a page of what is, to them, gibberish because it’s all English. The symbol is the same on all forms, the form ID of course changes.

Yes, one could just hand out the phone number, but people will lose it over time and maybe not have the language skills to ask for it again. Whereas a unique, recognizable Symbol in a pile of gibberish will help people navigate to the correct number, when there might be many numbers to choose from.

It works like this: a foreign speaker is given a form in English. They can’t understand the form, but they see the symbol beside a phone number. They know to go call the number and say “German” or “Kurdish” or whatever it is they need. If they haven’t said a language, the computer starts listing : “do you speak Japanese?” (said in Japanese), “do you speak French” said in French, and so on, until they select a language. The computer then changes to the language requested and gives prompts for the client to give the form ID number next to the symbol and their mailing address. The requested form is then mailed to them in their language.

People who are new residents will be going through government channels and that’s when they can be introduced to that symbol. They’ll be filling out many forms as a new resident/new citizen and they’ll learn a unique symbol easier than the English.

Also, in government offices they could put up one of those large stickers in multiple languages with the symbol on it with brief instructions in several languages to remind people of how it works.

This ought to save a lot of trees, paper, and money, I would think. It’s a way to help people who have not yet learned the language (though they ought to be working on it) without having to have page after page of wasted paper with every form sent out to people who speak English, which is most of us.

(You do realize this is another free money-making idea for anyone who can put the business together to run the computer interface for the clients on both ends, form givers and form receivers, then sell the service to the government and expand later to the private sector maybe. You’re welcome who ever. Feel free to send me a royalty, though I won’t hold my breath.) :slightly_smiling_face:

Or we could just make English the national language and if you cant read it then that is your problem. This is what many countries do. They print only in their language. Reason being if you are there legally and a citizen you speak and read the language. Some countries do have multipole languages and if you goto those areas youll find east may speak one language west of the country a different language. However youll find they print their documents and forms in said language of the area.

If you want to get into legal issues, well many countries give you a public defender. Guess what? they dont speak your language and your lucky if they do. If your charged with a crime and dont understand the language well then have fun figuring it out. They will not assist you as it is not a countries problem if you dont speak the countries language. This is the sole responsibility of the individual who choses to reside, or even travel to said place. We need to start being exactly the same to stop having these issues. As you mentioned multipole languages of everything is creating waste. So stop doing it and stop providing such support for it. Only time i would agree with it is filling out citizenship forms. As one may know the language but difficulty understanding completely what the meaning is. However the difference here is said individual is trying to become a citizen.


Uh… yeah. I wasn’t trying to support the idea of being multi lingual, I’m sorry if I was unclear. I agree it’s a waste, as I said. But as they’re doing it, let’s do it in a more efficient way.

But whatever, it’s only an idea. :slightly_smiling_face:

Trying to commit to it in any way it’s ridiculous. That’s just my opinion though. Id be for better solutions. However accountability on the person is something society needs to accept. To many things our society just claims ignorance on. We need to get people to understand they have a responsibility to themselves.

Well, everyone has their opinion.

Thankyou for your time giving input.