This is the entire makeup of matter & free energy:
Roger Spurr’s Dipole Electron Theory perfectly explains everything we see in existence. If you test it, you will verify his decades of research.
Note: Use CMOS detectors to see this with your own eyes.
Dark Points = (Particle / Solid Mass / Do Not Change Size)
Light Points = (Energy / Massless / Do Change Size)
When 1 Dark Point and 1 Light Point combine, they create 1 Dipole Element.
When 2 Dipole Elements combine, they create 1 Photon.
When 1,823 Photons combine, they create 1 Proton. When 1,824 Photons combine, they create 1 Neutron
When Protons and Neutrons combine, they create the rest of existence
Millikan’s oil drop experiment is accurate for sizing these particles.
- 1 Dark Point + 1 Light Point = 1 Dipole Element.
- 2 Dipole Elements = 1 Photon.
- 1,823 Photons = 1 Proton & 1,824 Photons = 1 Neutron.
- Protons + Neutrons = Everything & Everything is Light
Dark Points carry / push the Light Points. When enough Dark Points and Light Points combine, the Dark Points all congregate into a ball to form protons and neutrons and the Light Points create a coating around the Dark Points so that they’re no longer seen. In the stable elements, extra photons want to combine with the protons and neutrons, but are repelled into orbitals by the Light Points.
Roger Spurr of Mudfossil University on YouTube has irrefutable proof of this and even convinced CERN to change out their particle detectors for CMOS detectors so they too can see this for themselves. Update: CERN has now detected what they call neutrinos (Dark Points & Light Points) for the first time ever, after having listened to Roger Spurr.
Venturis Create Free Energy:
- Dark Points cannot change size.
- Light Points can change size.
- When (red or blue or green, etc) photons enter into a venturi the Dark Points will be forced to return from the direction that they came from, but the Light Points will separate from the Dark Points and condense and go through the throat of the venturi. When Light Points separate from the Dark Points they create what is known as electron showers and increase their energy levels 200x. Upon exiting the venturi there is a small zone of pure massless energy that is able to be harvested for use. After this zone of pure massless energy is when more Dark Points arrive to attach to the Light Points.
- Task 1: Send (red or blue or green, etc) photons into a Venturi which has a throat smaller than the size of Dark Points.
- Task 2: Manufacture a device that can capture this excess energy in the pure energy zone and funnel some of it back to the light generating device and some of it toward a battery or any device you would like to power such as a microchip.
- Note: You need CMOS detectors to see all of this without altering the energy of the particles.
How to Create Infinite Excess Energy:
- Create a venturi with a throat that is smaller than the diameter of Dark Points.
- Send (red or blue or green, etc) photons through the venturi.
- If an absorption and siphoning device can be placed in the zone of pure massless energy, before fusion occurs, we can harness free unlimited clean energy. Route some energy back to the light generator & route some energy to a battery or whatever device you want such as a microchip.
As the light gets accelerated and pulled into the venturi the Light Points condense to go through the throat. The Dark Points on the other hand cannot change size and are forced backward, away from the throat. As the Points separate, called fission, excess energy is created by the Light Points. Immediately on the exit end of the venturi is a very small zone of pure massless energy of only Light Points. These Light Points will have a significantly increased energy level of 200x as compared to the energy that went into the venturi. Immediately beyond this very small zone of pure energy is when Dark Points show up to attach to the Light Points, which is fusion. We want to use the energy before the Dark Points begin attaching to the Light Points.