Housing Stock

Both candidates tout increasing housing stock, and I think materials should use sustainable architecture and be as environmentally beneficial as possible. There has been a large trend of homesteaders, and those who live off-grid with eco-friendly/repurposed materials, and for tiny or mobile homes. For consistency of goals, in order to bring down the cost of housing, the government spends less and models thrift. All new construction and infrastructure are consistent with positive stewardship of the ecologies upon which we rely, and in so doing, we commit to stabilizing our climate.

Thrift also demotivates all exploiting our capitalism to our current point of collapse. Before world population destabilization, corporations ran amok overseas. If the ones causing it cannot use our crisis to profit, and if peoples using America as a status symbol name brand also must prioritize nature first, we will be aiming toward desireable outcomes. It’s a lesson learned better late than never. No one should be displaced from or prostitute traditional stewardship of God’s creation.