Restrict the ability of hedge funds to buy up private property when they have a portfolio valued above 3mm USD. Additionally, no foreign country should be allowed to purchase private property for the purposes of renting it out residentially or professionally.
Additionally, the Government shall build tracts of homes for the purpose of being low in come This will come with a caveat similiar to welfare-to-work but with stricter oversight.
-Cap TBD on Applicants per year
-Homes will be on a strict Rental contract with Federal Govt
-A 36 Month Perfect Rent Record must be Maintained for the program to complete
-On the 37th Month, the Rental Agreement is converted to a Mortgage with a flatrate, the mortgage outsourced to privatized banks
-US Military Veterans given preferential treatment in application process, as well as having rent tenure reduced from 36 to 24 months.
This breaks the vicious renter’s cycle that leads to generational dependance on somebody else for housing and creates a path to home ownership that is predicated upon personal fiscal responsibility and self betterment