Hold our Representatives in Washington accountable

Representatives must live by the same laws and rules as the people they represent. If any person working for the people breaks a law, a rule, appears unethical, they should be removed from office and loose all benefits. And potentially be fned and/or jailed.
No one should take an office with the intent of becoming wealthy.
For example, there are to many cases where we can see there is inside trading and money being made from information not available to the general public. Seize those funds, remove them from office, ban them from ever trading, remove all benefits they may have been eligible for.
If you are representing me, you should be held to the same, if not a higher standard of ethical behavior.
If any representative accepts any bribe, kickback. Preferred treatment from any lobbiest group or person, those funds should be seized, remove them from office, ban them from ever serving in any government capacity, remove all benefits they may have been eligible for.
If you are representing me, you should be held to the same, if not a higher standard of ethical behavior.


Unfortunately those in Office would ever vote for this because the majority are already corrupted by the Office. How would you propose to overcome tis?

That is why the country is overdue for a convention of states - Article V of the Constitution provides a second means of amending the Constitution - which bypasses congress but still maintains safeguards, and a group called the Convention of States movement has already got 19 states on board with 3 specific topics, and it takes 30 states to trigger it.

I believe something like this could fall in one of those subject areas.


Aren’t they allowed to speed if on the way to congress (work)? If we get caught speeding, then $$. Why not allow themselves adequate time like we the unwashed masses are expected to?