Helpful Suggestions for this Website!

I’m creating this tread to help build this website and give them any helpful Suggestions we might have for improving it. Thanks for your contributions, together we are stronger. Lets make America and the World Healthier! My first suggestion is if they have not already created an app to download and make it easier to connect, they do that.

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They want us to use the feedback area for this. They do respond too

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Great I have not been able to find the feedback link, will keep looking.

An area for public safety…if you don’t already have it .

I created this multi-media piece to offer plausible, workable solutions to the apparent lack of ethical reporting in mainstream media today. Please, tell me what you think. I plan to compose an abridged version to distribute locally in order to help raise awareness and encourage ‘The People’ to seek out and discern the Truth for themselves as well as help others learn how to recognize the difference between inaccurate and accurate news. It’s also a call for greater unification of all U.S. American citizens.