HELP Legitimate chronic pain patients

The CDC’s disastrous 2016 recommendations for prescribing opioid medication has resulted in many legitimate, chronic pain, patients, including veterans, suffering, needlessly, and inhumanely! The government is vilified opioid medication as the entire cause of the opioid epidemic. Although there’s been a drastic reduction and the amount of prescriptions written and filled, the overdose death rate continues to skyrocket. Why? Illicit use, including fentanyl. Please stop punishing chronic pain patients and help restore the relationship between the pain management physician and the patient, without fear of the DEA.


The CDC and the DEA need to get out of Chronic Pain Patients, Cancer Patients and all others suffering from incurable painful conditions lives. It truly has been nothing but a total disaster and has wreaked havoc on the lives of law abiding citizens who rely on pain medications for a quality of life. Punish the real villains - those who continue to bring illicit fentanyl into our country!


I am a retired RN and now counselor. My children and I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome which, among other things, causes daily pain. As has been stated the CDC’s 2016 opioid guidelines have been disastrous for legitimate chronic pain sufferers. Many medical professional advocates of chronic pain sufferers agree. The true opioid epidemic is street Fentanyl. Most medical practitioners, in fear of the DEA, have severely reduced or eliminated prescriptions of opioids. This has resulted in chronic pain patients not being about to work anymore, has significantly affected their daily living, and many have even committed suicide. Again, we are talking about legitimate pain issues, people with fibromyalgia, severe arthritis, spinal degeneration and injury, endometriosis, ankylosing spondylitis, trigeminal neuralgia, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, and much more. Please mandate that the CDC correct their errors and require that all medical professionals are made aware of these changes and must treat chronic pain patients appropriately. Get the DEA off their backs.


I’m new here and also suffer from EDS. I recommend looking for a palliative care provider. They can be very helpful and I’m sure you’re already aware of this option. I know it’s difficult to find a provider in some areas but there are some independent providers who provide palliative care if you call around. It’s still difficult as we age and our bodies get worse and worse. Best of luck to you and your children.