Healthy School Smiles

Place a dental hygienist in every school. They can help teach classes on oral health as well as clean the students teeth. This was Alfred Fones (the creator of dental hygiene) original plan but he proposed it to dentists instead of schools. But of course, this new model is Fluoride free! I’m a dental hygiene educator and would love to see this plan come to action. Especially if we can abolish the department of education and send funding directly to the states to hire hygienists to fill these roles. Some legislation would have to change in many states but the future will hold less legislation right?!?

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Please help vote for my policy to put a dental hygienist in each school. This makes our children healthier by reducing cavities. A cleaning with instruments does not introduce toxic chemicals into the body. There does not need to be any fluoride given to our children but instead more education on healthy diets, nutrition, and proper oral health methods. Teach them young and there should be less dental disease in the future. Dental hygienists actually receive nutrition classes in their curriculum, unlike medical doctors and nurses.

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