Can you end the regulations on Ham radios so you don’t need to have 50 watts as the max and it can be unlimited.
Also remove the test and just make it so you pay and that’s it. FCC doesn’t need to know my call sign or anything!
This would ultimately help out many over landing candidates or camping community as well. We want our freedom to travel and explore and the GMRS radios with more then 50 watts makes us have that freedom!
Removing the FCC from this is another example of the government trying to have control that we don’t want!
It doesn’t look like you know a whole lot about ham radio. Do you even have a ticket? Bandwidth is a public resource, and is limited and scarce. When you transmit, you use part of that resource at the expense of everyone else. If you aim it with an antenna, of course that helps, but it is still a limited resource.
Your claim that transmitters are limited to 50 watts seems to indicate lack of knowledge of ham radio. For most people, the limit is 1500 watts, not 50. People are only limited to 50 watts within 100 miles of a military base.
Having technical knowledge to get a ticket is reasonable, and if no one controls call signs, there would be anarchy, with anyone whatsoever being allowed to claim any call sign. Just like a radio station has one, a radio ham should have one.