GYM/ EXCERCISE for Kids and adults

Good afternoon,
One item i would like to suggest which would help in a variety of ways is very simple. as a 56 year old male former athlete, carpenter and still someone who works out daily i can tell you my health is expeonetially better due to beginning and maintaining 1-3 hours a day minimum of exercise including weights. am 165 pounds and still bench over 300 lbs. my point? it started as a very young boy doing pushups at 4 am with my dad. it taught self dsicipline, self respect. work ethic. gave the obviuos helath benefits. in grade school at recess we played football basketball ran etc with guidance. we had very solid PE programs. people worry about obesity as only a food issue when in fact a sedimentary lifestyle is a big factor. i think a renewed driven goal for young kids all the way through high school on no phones and running etc at recess for kids and solid PE programs need to be more focused. i also know kids especially boys tend to run more towards ADHD and the more exercise they get the less the problem is. class time is crucial i agree but a solid physcial base is a need as well. we need to promote this much more than is currently the case with generations growing up on a phone playing video games. I know RFK by your Physique you share my understanding of the benefits. as a man who built a great career from swinging a Drywall axe my body was my living. i dont drink, never smoked and even now i am an executive after owning my own company for 14 years i never miss a workout. it has allowed me to survive horrific injuries surgeries, a coma for 25 days. tomorrow i go on a brutal Elk hunt in some of the roughest country there is alone. many my age cant walk up satirs due to lack of fitness. These habits are established best at a young age. so i say Lets Make America Fit Again, Lets Make America Healthy Again and Lets Make Recess/PE Great Again. No phones on the playgorund!!