The information we teach our children and how school is structured needs to be reformed. I went to school in the 90s and early 2000s and I remember taking things such as home economics and shop class. Why aren’t these classes offered anymore? We need more life skills brought back to our schools to help these young people prepare for life without someone helping them so they can be self sufficient. I’m also concerned about how little kids get to play at school such as recess and how little time they have to eat lunch. These children already have tons of assignments and learning things that are way out of touch with what life is really like for the average person. They need time to honestly enjoy life without so much pressure on them. Our current school system was structured to indoctrinate our society into the warehouse type of workforce. This structure is almost a hundred years old and needs a long hard look at to create something that is better. My children are 7 and 14 and they dislike school. School needs to be fun and engaging. Reading out of a textbook and doing assignments on a iPad is the most uninteresting and boring way to go about having children have a passion for learning. I know with all the things that our society has achieved and will achieve that we can come up with something .
I think it is a huge problem that children are forced to be seated for too many hours during the day. School should be engaging, safe, and educational. Stand up stretch breaks after each subject would be so beneficial to maintaining balance in a classroom. The curriculum and standards teachers are held to in fear of losing funding in our educational systems is disgraceful. The amount of things that are pushed by lord knows who’s agenda has turned most educational systems into a joke, and teachers are treated like daycare centers for parents hurrying to work.
I think federal funding needs to be taken away, power needs to go back to the state, and curriculum needs a serious over turn into what it has become. The school it self should have the option to chose the curriculum they will teach, power of parents needs to be given free range to chose the school they want their children to attend with no restriction, allow schools to compete with other local schools in how they want to conduct themselves and empower the staff once again to make choices in their educational process. Unions have been bullying teachers for what seems like forever, and it might be time for more options for teachers to be able to actually chose not to be part of them on a case by case basis.
I went to school in India till 8th grade. The education that I received in India was far superior than what I received in the US. We are the United States of America and we should be leading the world in education. My son is 17 years old now, has hated school but I notice when he is challanged he loves it. He florished in Montessori school, but I can’t afford to keep him there. I constently compare this education system to the system that was in place in India. I have so many thoughts of how to fix the things that are broken, but I have no platform, hopefully someone on this platform will pay attention and get our kids on the right path.