Any government spending resulting in a deficit requires lawmakers to balance to zero within one year or they will be personally financially liable for the amount overdrawn.
Line item spending should be mandatory.
No bill should be brought up for vote that cannot be read by a single individual within one business day and posted online.
May not rob from critical programs such as Medicare and Social Security to cover any budget shortfall.
The government may not print money to cover spending, interest, or debt payments.
A structured monetary policy must be implemented whereby the money supply grows at a controlled, responsible and methodical pace. No more randomly printing and injecting trillions of dollars into the economy. Inflation should become unnoticeable.
The government has a spending problem not a tax problem. Tax revenue is somewhat predictable and therefore spending can be based on remaining below the estimated tax revenue.
The IRS should never spend more to recover an unpaid tax than those taxes that are owed. For example, don’t spend $1,000 to recover $100 in unpaid tax. It is currently happening and is not fiscally responsible.
Social Security funds should be invested and grow in the S&P 500.
The government is no longer allowed to pay more than 10% above market rates for a product or service. $10,000 toilet seats for airplanes or 4 times the market rent for migrant housing is wasteful spending and needs to stop.
Unlimited budgets for investigations and lawfare against political opponents needs to end. If an investigation or legal action taken by a committee, special counsel, attorney general, or congressional member is shown to be frivolous or without merit, those persons involved will be personally liable to repay those tax dollars.
Social Security and Medicare will never go insolvent before any congressional or federal pensions do.
Congressional raises can only be approved every 4 years by the voters during a Presidential election. No more self approvals. The percentage or dollar amount should be clearly stated on the ballot and include an option for it to be a raise or a pay cut.
Congressional salaries should be broken down based on days and hours worked for transparency. Congressional staff costs should be posted online by each member to include travel, dining, hotels, and transportation.
Federal and congressional pensions need to be phased out and into a 401k plan. Federal and congressional members should receive the same Medicare benefits as the voters, not a separate medical retirement plan.