As an Ohioan I am greatly dissapointed that our most recent Issue 1 did not pass. I believe that this Issue was purposely brought to vote during the 2024 Presidential Election to cause distraction amongst voters. If that was the issue alone I would be fine with the results, but the blatant mind games from those against the admendment are corrupt. How is the terminology “Stop Gerrymandering” and “Ban Gerrymandering” allowed to be used at the same time by both parties?
I believe that Gerrymandering causes suppression of representation. Nothing good comes out of putting some of the poorest counties with the richest ones.
What I am not suggesting is the government to create an admendment banning Gerrymandering outright. What would be better is for the government to layout the process in which congressional districts can adapt going forward.
Ultimately, I believe that counties ought to be able to vote for themselves what congressional district they want to be in.