Give Us Tools to Disseminate Information Effectively to Those Existing in Echo Chambers

As Elon has pointed out on X, many left-leaning users of platforms with massive reach such as FB, Instagram and TikTok aren’t exposed to unbiased sources for election news; this is problem as they then exist in an echo chamber of one-sided views and curated narratives. It’s difficult to function cohesively as a republic under what is effectively, censorship. My message to Elon is as follows to help address this during this critical election:

Elon, please consider making election-related videos temporarily downloadable by all, not just subscribers. FB, Instagram, and TikTok have a much broader reach to liberals and many of them refuse to use X. There are many grassroots users on these platforms who have been engaging and want to contribute, but need more effective tools. As users on X have pointed out, if one tries to share a link on FB only the text appears with no context; people are unlikely to follow these text links.

Compelling video clips are highly impactful, high-fidelity forms of messaging, and given what’s at stake, everything should be done to make this form of succinct communication accessible as possible to all.