Give felons more job opportunities

As someone who grew up in poverty, often around a lot of felons, I have seen that a majority of them are actually good hearted and hard working people. Most of them likely struggle with addiction which is usually what leads them to commit crime. I think it’s unfair to not only punish them by sending them to jail or prison and keep them isolated from society in there but also continually isolating them by limiting the job options available to them afterwards. I also think it may be a good idea to put levels on felonies and adopt the successful institutional systems that other countries use such as rehabilitation instead of punishment.


I think they should be given the opportunity to join the military as alternative to becoming a felon. Obviously being a case by case bases. Giving them a choice to not damage their reputation and get opportunities by serving their country.


If they’re Non violent offenders
They shouldn’t have to make it listed on any job application so they can contribute to society


My brother was given this option. He joined the Marines. He later started his own construction business. This is a good idea.


I would add that after 5 yrs of release from sentencing and/or probation completion, if there has been no criminal activity, non-violent crimes should fall off a felon’s criminal record.


I too have been around many felons, but I don’t agree with giving them a free pass, especially violent or repeat offenders.
There are plenty of opportunities for felons. Unions accept felons, most fast food, stores etc.

If you want to live a succesful life then don’t commit crime.
Commit crime, do the time & feel the affects afterwards or pay to get your rights back.

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This is important to end the cycle of crime. Recidivism is circumstantial and environment driven.

In addition to more opportunities, we should adopt the inmate policies of other countries who educate & rehabilitate criminals, give them an exit plan and support when they are released including counseling. Our system does not work at all.

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Sounds like we had the same childhood and I could not agree with you more especially the level of felony both of my brothers are felons almost all of my cousins and non of them even thought they were allowed to vote needless to say they all voted :blush::blush::blush:

Yes! This is a great idea and if they made it an option to join the military for 4 years so you could have certain nonviolent felonies expunged that would be great!


Unrelated, but I love how this prison uses dance as a form of rehabilitation:
Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center - Wikipedia
It builds community, makes them feel like they’re part of something special, boosts seratonin and dopamine and keeps them healthy.

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In some states, once you have a felony, you can never get it off your record. In TN, 15 grams of weed is a felony. In a lot of states, it is legal. Someone shouldn’t be condemned for life because they had a little weed on them 20 yrs ago.


One thing i forget to Mention that i think should also be listed
Along with the violent charge on applications
Is Any pedophile has to be listed
And No pedophile can work around children in schools, amusement park, health care, police, ect anything that they wil be in contact with kids

Voilient offenders
And pedophile

Aso far as the Rest No it shouldn’t be listed
They should be able to contribute it adds to Our society being stabel you dont have desperate non violent offeneder some who may have some run with with a drug problem ect. DESPERATE
Thats what our goal should be is making people more stable

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