Encourage healthy children / positive choices by giving generous federal monetary bounties to parents for each of their children under 18 who can pass a rigorous physical fitness test.
Test criteria would be as objective as possible and pass/fail. Criteria for success could vary by age / sex / type of event being observed. There could even be special events for disabled children to encourage peak fitness for those categories.
One bounty per kid per year. Maybe allow 2 attempts per year or something like that. Drug screening will be mandatory to prevent fraud.
This program could be expanded to every adult citizen eventually.
I agree with this in theory, however I feel that it would put more difficult expectations on the child than they need (as they will already have many growing up). I believe that something like this isn’t necessarily needed as children that excel in athletics and intelligence already receive massive awards for college, scholarships, and more. However, I feel like it could be a good idea for the government to offer an assured merit-based scholarship for outstanding skill (rather than just a pell grant for income). I feel that it would be unfair to reward the parent for a child’s feat and that the money gained from excelling should be focused on continuing education.