Get rid of Lobbying for profit

Currently lobbyists can pay a politician to vote a certain way in the way of a campaign donation. Ban business donations to politician campaigns and end lobbyists. If we paid people to vote a certain way it would be called a bribe. Why is political bribes ok? While we are at it limit federal government incomes for politicians to be average salaries of the state they come from or represent. They would vote a whole different way if policy was felt personally. Oh and ban stock ownership while holding political office.


YES! YES! YES! I could not agree more!


Agree on all points, Ryan - in my eyes it is called Pay to Play and it is and should be illegal for politicians to partake in - a bribe is a bribe no matter how you slice it!


yup banning this whole practice should be swift and immediate.
The politicians should answer to the people who voted them into that office and nobody else.

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Agree! Get 'em out of there! This is where corruption/conflict of interests get their start and don’t represent “we the people”.