Get rid of credit scores

Let companies determine credit lending based on their own criteria with an outline given by the government. My credit score goes down when I have no debt, forcing me to have debt so it can keep track of how I pay debt, it’s wild.
You can’t by a home with bad credit you can’t rent with bad credit, so we should be homeless or pay thousands of dollars because we have poor credit? Let’s fine a better way to determine who we lend to.


Yes! Bring back private banking!


Yes, I vote to be rid of this opression that is makeing it hard on American’s to make a future.


Perhaps decentralized banking has a chance here.

Exactly, if you pay off a car loan early then go to get a new car in six months, you now have 0 credit history. Bad credit stays on your credit score 7? years while good credit is dropped immediately. Only way to keep good credit is to pay for it by continuously having a loan.


I agree. The credit report companies sell our private information which on many occassions is inaccurate. Many times your report does not reflect your paid debt or they dump things in your report that does not belong to you. Just because similarity of name, you might end up with other person’s debt in your report. To resolve it you have to be paying people to clean your credit or spend time going back and forth with letters to the reporting agencies Proving your identity or your cancelled debt. How crazy is that! If the lender looks at your income and payment history there is no need for using a score.
