General Corporation reform

Get rid of or raise limits for fines on large corporations that harm, mishandle information and provide faulty products.

Lower limits on small businesses.

Better control/restrictions on pharma and other health based corporations.

No more corporate influences in the government.

Longer studies on anything that integrates into the body. Such as modified food, drink and pharma products. And if human testing is done and defects surface testers are awarded sufficient compensation. Along with required unaffiliated/ nonpartision testing/testers for such products, funded by the buisnesses applying for fda approval.

Change “big tech” policies. Either they are a platform (for the first ammendment) and get freedoms related to such things, or can control (beyond age-type restricted content) because they’re private companies.

News corporations have honesty and integrity ratings/requirements on stuff they report.

Harsher penalties for misrepresented “news.”

Hold overseas corporations to the same standards, if they aren’t willing to offer employment policies and epa protections similar to U.S. standards, deny them entry into the country.

I realize this would be a major undertaking, and expensive, but would be better for the people of the world and the environment.

Also not entirely feasible… but a good start as a talking point.