As a professional provider of early intervention services, I see children who have tested positive for THC in cord blood. I also see parents using marijuana in their homes with their children present. This is legal in many states however I am seeing changes in cognition and developmental delays in these children. The parents are not receiving education about possible negative effects on their children’s health and development.
When a child tests positive for THC in cord blood in Michigan, the child is referred to Michigan Early On. Most of the time parents reject our services to assess the child’s developmental status.
We need more data about these issues. I have found very few studies to document effects or lack of.
This has been done! Try using Google scholar and you can find studies on this topic that provide much needed factual information about how harmless cannabis in to all mammals including infants. Your fears are based on propaganda from the pharma industry that is and always has been a lie that serves the financial interests of that industry.
If you really want to help kids, focus your energy on the real dangers kids face - vaccines.
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