The current scientific conclusions regarding the reality of germs and viruses as a causal factor of illness needs to be questioned and revisited.
It needs to be understood by looking at historical as well as current events, that the science of germs and virology is far from settled.
FOI Requests Find No Evidence of SARS-COV-2.
Repeated FOI requests by Christine Massey, reveal that health/science institutions around the world (225 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever.
For More Info on FOI requests:
A look at the history of the development of germ theory and virology needs to be done because politics and propaganda were at play back in the 1800’s when some of these theories were pushed into the public narrative as “absolute fact”.
If we look closely at the development of the science and theories surrounding these topics, there were competing theories at the time . There wasn’t absolute consensus amongst the leading scientists at the time.
In fact, the top scientists at the time, Pasteur and Bechamp, disagreed on the fundamentals surrounding germs and viruses:
Early Science on Germ Theory
'Pasteur argued for what we now call the ‘germ theory’ of disease, while Bechamp’s work sought to confirm pleomorphism; the idea that all life is based on the forms that a certain class of organisms take during the various stages of their life-cycles."
“These microorganisms (germs) feed upon the poisonous material which they find in the sick organism and prepare it for excretion. These tiny organisms are derived from still tinier organisms called microzyma. These microzyma are present in the tissues and blood of all living organisms where they remain normally quiescent and harmless. When the welfare of the human body is threatened by the presence of potentially harmful material, a transmutation takes place. The microzyma changes into a bacterium or virus which immediately goes to work to rid the body of this harmful material. When the bacteria or viruses have completed their task of consuming the harmful material they automatically revert to the microzyma stage”
– Antoine Bechamp
Bottom line is: If germ theory is just that, “a theory” and viruses haven’t truly been isolated in scientific experiments, then we have to do more research into the role of “germs and viruses” in our health as our current science has reduced it to one germ and/or virus = one disease, and likely it is much more complex than this.
Viruses haven’t been properly isolated according to Koch’s postulates so the existence of viruses as our current scientific consensus describes them, is at the very least incomplete, and we may be able to go as far as to say it is pure pseudoscience.
Think how this would completely change the thinking around vaccines and pandemics if we funded a true review of the origins of the current theories and science on germs and viruses.
A resource with citations on history of germs and viruses
Can You Catch A Cold?