Facebook & Craigslist need revamped for sure. I love Facebook for a lot of reasons but it is ridiculous what they can ban you from posting on your own feed or selling things on the marketplace. Their algorithms can destroy your business, and what they censor needs fixing. AI is going to really mess us up and it has already started too. You cannot believe what you see or read anymore without doing thorough research. Younger people are constantly online and can easily be influenced by bad actors using social media to post things using AI and photo shopped pictures. Naked images of people selling their body, scammers posting fake things for sale or rent is okay…Facebook lets it all happen and yet I cannot post a walker with wheels, blow up plastic beer bottles or a real horse skull in the marketplace. Craigslist is a great tool but it allows anyone to flag your post and get it kicked off just because it compets with something they have posted. That should stop! They make you pay a few dollars now for some ads but I wouldn’t mind paying a few dollars for any AD I put on there if it protects it. Also it allows scammers to steal pictures and repost them on fake postings to con people into sending them money. I’ve had that happen to me several times. You can’t put your phone number on there anymore if it’s a cell phone because they will blow it up with text. They should ban people living in other countries from posting on USA Facebook and Craigslist without some kind of verification. I know people living in the US can do the same but in my experience most of them are from Nigeria.