Free Student Breakfast and Lunch Program

I believe all school should provide free meals to students, faculty and staff.

My suggestion is local taxes of the city and state are divided to schools based on the amount of students and staff.

Meals should be healthy, no junk food.
Any food that is not eaten or consumed goes into an agriculture class feeding animals, (Cows, pigs, or chickens) Where the left overs can be fed to animals or used as compost for a green house.

Each school should have space for an agriculture class where students learn how to take care of live stock, feed, clean, and also how to grow fruits and vegetables. The animals raised and the food grown then goes towards helping feed the school children and staff. These skills would help children know how to take care of plants and animal. Given them pride and respect for helping feed and provide and give back to their school. Also would help student bond in team work.

I know eating animals raised by them might be hard but it is a fact of life. These children would know the animals they raised were cared for and given a good life before becoming breakfast or lunch. The animals will be taken and processed at a clean humain facility and returned to the school to be consumed.

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