Free Daycare, Longer Paid Maternity Leave, Shorter work shifts for one of the parents

Free Daycare, paid maternity leave that lasts at least 1 year or match what Germans are doing. Shorter work schedules, for example moms or the parent that is the main caregiver may be able to leave work at 2 or 3 pm to be able to pick up children from school instead of paying for after hours care and that way there is more family time, less stress for parents and less economic strain in the household. Longer work hours are not synonymous to higher productivity/efficiency.

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I proposed a similar combination of ideas, minus the free day-care.

Right now a federal paid six month or 12 month leave is not politically feasible. Neither is free day-care. The GOP routinely voted against 12 week paid FMLA, and universal child-care. The 32 hour work week is also still somewhat controversial… federal legislators, as well as California state legislators have proposed 32 week bills, but they never made it past committees.

My bill is more of a Center-Left alternative to those policies, probably still too liberal for the incoming GOP trifecta, but I still push for it because I truly believe in it, and as a way to show legislators the direction that I wish they would take.

My idea involves: Federal 12 weeks paid FMLA; 8 hours unpaid intermittent leave for certain workers; flexibility options for working/parenting college students. Please consider it?