Forum Voting System - Establishing a Forum General Assembly

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Awesome Feedback Ethan!

That you have had so little response to your GA proposal (and none from the management) indicates to me that this site is not being moderated very well.

Why are they not communicating with individuals like yourself who are posting positive feedback, questions, and/or suggestions? (I’ve read other similar posts.)

I posted the following on 11/17 and, as yet, no word from any admin or moderator:

Perhaps they are overwhelmed by the success of their site and don’t know how to take it to the next level? If so, maybe they could enlist the assistance of others (like yourself)…as well as keep those of us who are contributing to the site updated on what’s happening on their end.

My fear is that this is just going to be a black hole for people who spend their time here thinking that this platform will evolve into something with real bones that can contribute to our legislative process in a positive and effective way.

At a minimum they should have responded to your suggestion with… “Thanks for the feedback. We’ll consider your suggestions.”

(And why can’t we “Vote” on Feedback?)

Anyway, in my mind Ethan, your proposal could develop into something really cool and take this platform to the next level. Thanks for taking the time.

There is so much possibility here. Too bad…so sad!

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I’ve also noticed, the next ‘Trust Level’ badge that seems to unlock proper editing tools, proper vote and like limits, etc. is only held by ~13 people, who seem to be semi-inactive ‘moderators’ or ‘policy contributors’.

We’ll see once people seem to show support, they did have to apporve of this post. Maybe that’s their ‘approval’.

Let the people speak first thing.

@stevecoffman @ScottH

If you care, your votes were deleted. I was cleaning up my posts and linked this one to the version that gained more traction ^ there you can recast your vote on the poll.

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Hey Eric and Tina,
I think I would be good at taking items and merging them into a cohesive document. Of course there will be people who will complain because a portion of their proposal might get left behind when considering the bigger picture. If the name of each contributor were listed at the bottom of the final product, it could work to satisfy all. I hope they already have someone who can do that. But I’m here and would take it on if I thought it would ultimately be looked at. I think votes work just fine since “the powers that be” (tptb) would look at the items with the most votes first, right? Also, do we only have a minimum number of votes per day/week? If so, I haven’t used mine up yet. Cindyl541