Forgive EIDL loans - small businesses destroyed by Covid mandates

Draconian governor lockdowns destroyed small business owners. The covid crimes against humanity should be prosecuted and the guilty party’s assets seized per Trump’s
Executive order on crimes against humanity.

Those assets can pay the SBA, and business owners who were targeted and destroyed when the globalist businesses were rewarded and allowed to thrive.

The EIDL loans were nowhere near enough to cover expenses or owners profits needed to stay in business. Hundreds of thousands of businesses shut down, and many others are buried in business and personal credit card and other debt.

THEN to add insult to injury, after the credit cards were maxed out in order to keep afloat, the interest rates spiked, further driving a nail into the coffin of small businesses everywhere.

We deserve restitution! We deserve forgiveness of debt that was beyond our control.

They tried to destroy American small business in order to get us dependent upon the global world order. Help small businesses thrive, and come up with a fair formula that doesn’t just favor million dollar plus businesses, but the actual ma and pa backbone of America.