I think there should be a bill that no foreign aid can exceed aid at home so if you want 50 billion for Ukraine fine but we also need 51 billion for homeless veterans and disaster aid in the US I would also support a bill that suspends foreign aid until the US has a balanced budget much like a plane going down you cannot help others until you put your oxygen mask on first this would also tie in with single item bills it’s ridiculous to have a border bill for 120 billion dollars that only 20 billion actually goes to securing the border
I literally came to this app to start a similar policy, my twist was that every dollar given out had to be accessible by GRANT to SMALL business subsidies (perhaps through SBA?), first time homebuyers deposit assistance, Homeless assistance with housing AND mental health, Veterans assistance, infrastructure grants to states, low income health care, energy bill assostance for low income, I mean honestly… think of the possibilities.
An important distinction though, it has to be accessible directly by the people in some sort of true national secured escroe account… not by fluffing up more beaurocratic departments or agencies and “earmarking” the funds to be drained by pointless salaries. We have our own budgets for military etc, this needs to be the peoples $
I really like your idea of it not exceeding these amounts collectively… this, to me, is one of the primary changes we could make that would have one of the largest impacts on the American experience… Simply by re-routing money we are already spending policing the world and feeding the war pigs.