All members of the house should meet vis zoom type platforms to help eliminate government spending. All members could meet at one time but remain in their home states
All laws passed should apply to all people including meme era of the government that way what ever they try to pass will effect them the same way it does their constituents.
Vote on one issue at a time and stop rolling additional issues into every bill.
Term limits should apply to all seats of elected officials.
All senators and congress should only be paid what the median salary of their constituents are and there should not be a paid for life aspect to it once you have served your terms they need to go back to work like everyone else would.
Utilizing zoom/teams doesn’t mean work from home. I think this is a great idea. Elected representatives should work/live in the community they represent. Technology exists for all member of congress to work locally and engage with other members of congress nationally. I would go farther to say that elected officials should also be paid IAW median salaries for their respective communities.
Didn’t mean for them not to work just not spend money flying back and forth to Washington. They can work in the capital of their state and not have to have tax payers pay for their flights back and forth to Washington.
I’ve loved the idea of setting a base salary and letting their constituents vote on raises/bonuses annually based on how they’re performing for their districts.