Flat tax.

Streamline the tax code with one rate for everyone. Example. Make the first $40,000
or so of everyone’s income tax free. After that all other income is taxed at same percentage whether it is 20% or 25% etc. Eliminate most deductions and loopholes. For those who say the rich should pay more this sees that they do.
Example If your income after the first $40,000 is deducted is $20,000 you pay the flat rate of 25% which is $5000. If your income after the $40,000 is $200,00
you pay 25% which is $50,000. Thus you are making 10 X more than the $20,000 person and thus paying 10 X more in taxes. That is fair.

If you do a search you will find this is not a "new"policy.

There are over 50+ concerning a Flat Tax,

Search results for ‘flat tax order:latest’ - Policies for the People