Fix the 1986 Vaccine Injury Compensation Act

Pharmaceutical Companies are immune to lawsuits due to the 1986 Act. This should NEVER have been signed into law. The vaccine schedule is insanely stacked against the health and well being of our nations children. They are sicker than any other time in history. SIDS coincides with vaccine appointments. Pharma companies haven’t properly safety tested vaccines in over 30 years. In fact, they’ve never tested the safety of multiple vaccines in one appointment. The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting system (VAERS) is not properly used as only 1 to maybe 2 % of vaccine injuries/deaths get reported. Most likely due to doctors and nurses in fear of the medical board taking their license away if they report injuries and deaths associated with vaccines. We must hold vaccine manufacturers accountable for their products. We need reform and to maintain the data base for VAERS. Passing HR 9828 goes a long way toward protecting those with vaccine injuries.