The United State Post Office needs to be investigated. I’m tired them throwing more money at a broken system. My mail is constantly getting misdirected, lost, stolen. People steal money, gift cards out of cards. I find cards ripped into all the time. They just raised priority mail to what they call “HOLIDAY RATE” seriously? I just mailed a friend a box that cost me $2 extra (holiday rate) $26 and she still hasn’t received it. I mailed it November 9th, 9:22am and is was supposed to arrive November 13th yesterday. Tracking number: 950551374764314433079. I looked up the tracking and it is hanging around Washington state being used as a ping ball between 2 hubs. Stamps were increased to $0.73. They literally take 7-14 days to deliver a simple letter. My sister sent 2 Thanksgiving Day cards locally, My daughter received one and my family card is lost. My daughter had money stolen out of a card, we’ve had stolen gift cards, I don’t receive my magazines. I’ve had a package saying it was delivered and when I had it investigated the postal had it in the truck the whole time. Grrrrr. I’ve had enough. If they can’t fix the postal system system, I’d like another option. Competition would be great!
I’m not smart enough to make a fix it suggestion. But Elon can.
Also, competition is a great idea. Send proposals & then bid on them. MUST have oversight & no lifetime positions.
And why change the artwork all the time. That has to cost money. Leave it alone! Flag for forever stamp, Liberty bell for postcard stamp, Eagle for another etc. Just leave them alone. That has to save some money.
I 100% agree with you. The USPS needs either a complete overhaul or replaced. I got notified that my package, that I was waiting for, had been delivered. I hadn’t gotten it. I called the Post Office and she said that it had been marked delivered while it was there. She claimed that she was going to locate it and call me back. She never called. A week later a neighbor comes to my house with my package. They stuck it in his Post Office Box! Our names are no where near the same and he lives 2 miles down the road from me. There was no reason for them to think that I would get it out of that box. It was a cellphone so I was happy that I had an honest neighbor.
The post office and it is a giant mess! They don’t provide any training at all, they just throw these carriers out there and tell them to figure it out or go back where they came from.