We have a major problem with the way the courts treats the dads of America. Undeniably, Dads have a major and important role in the lives of our children and it’s being taken away from us trying fathers for so long now. A great Nation starts with its people, and families. We dads are the backbone of our children and we can’t let that be taken away from us anymore. Let’s protect our families and let’s MAGA!
The family courts are completely corrupted and not working. They operate, contrary to the best interest of children by placing inexperienced, judges, and ADR administrators as their first position to learn using the children as guinea pigs. This creates a self generating flow of broken families for the judiciary and further disenfranchises, children and families making the situation far worse. This needs to be corrected immediately. It is undermining the fabric of American families and structure of liberty. The word, Justice is an oxymoron in family courts. The Achilles heel of the judiciary is public loss of trust and thousands of parents are in disbelief every day of how unjust the Family Court system has become. This is an urgent matter of the highest concern and should be addressed as soon as possible.
For dads, moms and GRANDPARENTS… Family Court is divisive and dispicable. As a single mom with an ex husband who was buddies with the judge and court appointed mediators, I WAS ALIENATED from my two sons as a woman. Recently my friend (who had full custody of her granddaughter for 8 years - 2 through 10 yrs- due to her mother abusing her) just had her custody of her granddaughter removed and given back to her bio-mom. The child was ripped out of her home, school, after school activities (dance classes, horses, etc.) which she thrived in, and ALL OF HER FRIENDS, to move 30 miles away with a derelict mom who claims now to be cleaned up. Grandma - who raised here- was banned from everything and only gets to see the child once a month… The child is devastate (but the court could care less) and has mentioned self harm recently. It is SO SAD what this rigged “family court” system has done to kids - it ABUSES them . Massive reform is needed.
Agreed. It’s hard because family court is the Wild West it seems. Seems like it’s different every court room. I also think that mediation should be provided for free or reduced cost. And there should be attorneys available for low income families. I work in social work and I notice a lot of my low income families struggle in family court. It’s disheartening.
Thank you for caring enough to help! How many others working in and around “family courts” have had the courage to notice the need for investigations and reform?
Starting in the 1950s, “therapeutic jurisprudence” replaced the criminal laws that used to protect children and families. In the 1970s, small groups of private vendors started monopolizing family court cases for profit. Working with state judicial branch offices, for profit vendors monopolized child custody cases with help from “nonprofits” groups such as AFCC, Inc.
Using HHS funds for what they called “research” those small groups of individuals started micromanaging children and families for profit in purposely adversarial mandatory proceedings. The worst of those networks purposely destroyed children and families for profit and political goals — mostly with judicial immunity.
So many good people in and outside of government have tried to investigate what went wrong with America’s family courts.
I’m hoping for the best for Policies for the People!
You are 100% correct. The Family Court system is antiquated and needs to advance. The old system is not keeping up with the times. This is wrongfully disenfranchising, so many families.
It’s technology of the coming of times. Digital record keeping is far easier and more secure and they are forcing parents to pay thousands of dollars for a Stenographer and the times the courts change their dates and waste their limited resources for of finds and phase which violates the eighth amendment for cruel and unusual punishment and excessive fines and fees.
Worst of all many of the judges are inexperienced and totally unqualified, and the attorneys are new. This is where they cut their teeth. They experiment with the law here they use our children as guinea pigs, and they say it’s in the “best interest of the children“ which is completely contradictory. The states in the federal government need to abolish the Family Court system.
We need to apply simply the wisdom of king Solomon, where, if parents cannot agree on a custody and visitation schedule, then the children can be placed in a third-party adoption agency. That would quickly resolve the parents differences, and if the wisdom and salt of conscience is used any competent factfinder could easily determine which parent is the abusive parent . The best policy for both parents lives. It would only be the rare occasions where you have substance abuse, addiction, and felony records, which would predicate removal of the parent from the children’s lives and that needs to be standard practice.
Parents as underscore under the Troxel fitness presumption needs to be applied, which states that if a parent has not made any fitness finding then they have a right to parent and right to familiar speech. Supervised Visitation is too intrusive and abusive into the children’s lives into the parents , eighth amendment. Is far too much abuse in the judiciary that disenfranchises children which creates a multigenerational problem of broken families that is self sustaining to a corrupt judiciary for future business.
They are intentionally violating the law title for economic benefit, and this needs to be audited investigated by this new administration, hopefully abolished forever.
Yes family courts harms anyone they see fit and profitable as who will fight for theyre child and keep this battle filli g pockets while childre die and theres no accountability
This is BUSINESS PERIOD the same as Al’s muffler shop down the road.
This is not clerical error, failed planning, accidental or the outgrowing of the system This was a long list of premeditated criminal acts and the greatest fraud perpetrated upon the people under the guise of justice
I can walk into any court room in this country and show this firsthand.
I know who these people are and I no longer recognize them as authoritative figures having the power to decide the fate of our families.
Family court really is the wild west. You can take your case in front of 10 different Judges and you’ll get 10 different outcomes.
I think attorneys in family court should be free until the end of trial and must fight zealously in order to be paid. Either the State pays the Attorneys or both parties split the bill equally up to a limit. This will prevent Attorney’s from dragging the case on for years or dropping out when they collected enough money from you.