Currently, When applying for Food Assistance, Medicaid, or Marketplace Health Insurance, there exists a “gap” in income. This financial household amount “gap” exists between one being able to access or qualify for a HHS service and having to be on your own and not qualify for the services because you make too much money, however it leaves the person in the “gap” because they can’t afford to cover all of their food costs on their own. This “gap” also exists when trying to apply for health insurance within the marketplace. The person has to make a certain amount of money (household) to be able to enter to receive the discounted rates. If you make under this amount then the marketplace in unaffordable leaving the person who makes even a dollar less without an option for health insurance. For example, this year, to enter the marketplace for health insurance a family of 5 has to make $36,580 to enter. There should be no minimum to enter the marketplace.