We need laws to stop corporations from removing fiber from our food. It will instantly decrease obesity in our country. Fiber controls hunger, helps prevent certain cancers and is so important in our diets. Our bodies need FIBER.
I’d like to see fiber put back into our food also and added sugar be removed. This is killing a lot of people by disrupting the microbiome in our gut and causing a high rate of colon cancer. Plus, if you can pay enough money to people, you can add fiber back to your diet to help you stay healthy which means that if you are poor, you have bad health because some company has the monopoly on what it is you need to be healthy. Food should help us and not hurt us and it should not be the center of our lives. We need food to live not to kill us.
Yes!! It seems like they’re stripping fiber & other nutrients from our foods so that we’re forced to buy them all separately in another form! We have like a million supplements we have to take bc we aren’t getting enough from our "food”!
Yes! I 100% agree with this! I knew fiber was removed from our foods and sugars had been added but I didn’t realize until recently what removing the fiber from our foods does to our bodies. It’s horrible! It’s a HUGE reason why everyone is so sick and why diabetes and obesity are now so common. I have recently started buying a fiber powder for my family to drink before our meals but WHY SHOULD I HAVE TO DO THAT?? WHY should I have to spend an additional $30 every week to ADD fiber into our food. That is so backwards! It should already be in the “nutritious” meal that I cooked for my family. Just last night, I cooked chicken, potatoes, and a cucumber salad. Why was my stomach still growling hungry after I finished my plate? Thats not normal. We NEED the fiber put back into our foods!