Federally Decriminalize Marijuana

Decriminalizing marijuana would have several benefits:

  1. Charges removed for those incarcerated, allowing them to go back to work and family and further support the economy and home life issues. This also helps with the issue of overpopulation in jails and prisons.

  2. Allow police organizations to focus on manufactured drugs/ drugs like fentanyl, which is the drug crippling this country.

  3. Increase in food ordered, boosting local restaurants. You will also see an increase in food delivery, putting more money into the pockets of delivery drivers.

  4. Decrease in pharmacy medications taken for ailments improved by marijuana. Many people could trash 50% or more of their medications without fear of a failed drug test.

  5. Y’all ever seen a stoner invite mass violence? Pretty sure they’re at home, watching Netflix, and eating TacoBell.

I know this isn’t the most eloquent post with facts and statistics, but I am just a normal mom trying to make it out here and wanted to contribute an idea I didn’t see on my initial scroll of the policies.


I 100% agree. I’d also like to point out that it would be a huge job-making opportunity as well. Aside from that, I also believe it would eliminate any sort of black market for obtaining it. I had a friend that passed away due to marijuana that was laced with fentanyl, so I’m passionate about this topic. All in all, I’m surprised our government hasn’t voted with their bank accounts on this yet, as there is potential for a huge market for this.


to the comment added: I’m going to start with it will not stop “black market” sales. On the other hand though, people will be able to grow their own so they don’t have to buy it from unreliable sources. Instead they would be able to buy it in shops (or wherever they choose)

Other key points:

It should not be a deciding factor in the legality of you with your children in courts.

It should be treated like cigarettes. Smokable in permissable areas. Recreational weed would infer recreational areas

Police won’t be able to use it as an excuse to illegally search your car.

It will open up a legal marketing of, so that anyone could become a entrepreneur, and not be limited beyond protocols.

Age limits, just as cigarettes and alcohol can still be enforced.

Jobs can’t DISCRIMINATE against you for personal/medical life choices

Proper medical testing can be had, held, and received

Boost in the production and purchase/consumption of other related products such as hemp

Removes marijuana off the drug classification list (or at least lowers it to a reasonably level)

… Just off the top of my head

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