Federally Considered Honeybees As Live Stock

Give the small beekeeper a chance to receive tax breaks to help reduce the cost of Beekeeping and encourage a sustainable business. Support Honeybee clubs in public education to support our agricultural industry. Too many rules, inconsistent rules and regulations that vary from county to state. to federal regulations. SIMPLIFY and MINIMIZE.
Wide open, UN-used properties are not getting agricultural status to manage honeybees and local pollinators. Currently there is a shortage just to pollinate the California Almonds.
Our environments and food sources count on pollination. Additionally limit the type of insecticides that poison and kill our pollinators, contaminate our water and land. Allow the small beekeeper and the people to invest in themselves and Making America Healthy Again. Beekeeping is very expensive by opening the doors for the little guy allows for us to provide a helping hand to make it affordable.


I think that is probably a very wise move, to classify honeybees as lifestock. Technically, they are, in every sense of the word. Their care, maintenance, needs, and multiple raw materials produced (wax, honey, etc) are precisely within scope of any other lifestock designation.

Given the horrible plight of the honeybee in the past couple of decades, they could use all the help we could give them. In turn, we will have more productive gardens and ample honey and comb on the local store shelves. We need to bring our pollinators back, esp. after Monsanto’s epic intervention, and the Hive Colony Colllapse pandemic (which points directly back to mass-treated fields of specific insecticides). Very NICE policy proposal.

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