Federal Wartime/Armed Conflict Tax

For too long our military members and families have endured sacrifice in armed conflict while the average US citizen’s life has been unaffected. I am proposing a federal tax on all citizens that are not in the armed forces that is triggered by either a declaration of war or an Authorization for the Use of Military Force by Congress. The purpose of this tax is two-fold: to provide additional funding to federal organizations in support of the conflict, and to encourage our elected officials to avoid forever wars and seek expeditious end-states by taxing their constituents. A prolonged tax will eventually erode their public support and hopefully pressure them to bring the conflict to an expeditious conclusion. The revenue from this tax would be earmarked to fund the VA (after it has been hopefully overhauled) and other federal organizations that provide support for wounded veterans and their families, as well as to provide additional funding to the areas of the DoD directly involved with the conflict/war.
Every American should share some sacrifice for our politicians’ decisions to use military force, and every elected official should be held responsible for the consequences of a prolonged conflict.