Federal law prohibiting employers from asking about vaccine status

Continuing the discussion from End Vaccine Mandates:

We need a Federal law that makes it Illegal for an employer to ask about my vaccine status for a job. It’s basic HIPPA laws. My health is my business period. I should never be forced to get flu shots or any vaccine in order to work.


This is a must have. No employer should be getting into a private citizens healthcare and neither should the government. The mandates for COVID were about control, curtailing liberty, conditioning the populace to be submissive, and were about population reduction in getting people to take these unsafe shots that have killed and injured countless victims. What types of vaccinations a person takes is a personal choice, just like any other medical procedure. This must be codified in a law, since the Executive Branch and the corporations violated this during COVID, so it must be spelled out in law, and made clear for all time by law.


I also do not feel that healthcare workers should be made to get yearly flu vaccinations. It’s my personal experience, that it has definitely not decreased my chances or those of anyone around me from getting the influenza. I was less prone to getting sick prior to it being mandatory. Not spreading infections comes from not going to work when infectious and personal/professional hygene when you are at work or anywhere for that matter. Please close this loop hole for healthcare workers.


Agree!! Health care workers definitely included in my previous statement. The flu shot AT BEST has a 33% chance to be effective. This is because They have to guess the strain that they will make a vaccine for. During Years that they guess wrong, there is statistically NO HIGHER increase in the amount of flu cases. [quote=“Len Bee, post:1, topic:7982, full:true, username:ThundarrGod”]
Continuing the discussion from End Vaccine Mandates:

We need a Federal law that makes it Illegal for an employer to ask about my vaccine status for a job. It’s basic HIPPA laws. My health is my business period. I should never be forced to get flu shots or any vaccine in order to work.