To promote accountability, transparency, and justice by reforming Qualified Immunity protections for government employees and agencies. This law is proposed as a single-item legislation to ensure clarity and transparency for the American public.
Section 1: Prohibition on Use of Taxpayer Funds for Civil Rights Violations
- Prohibition on Funding: No government agency, whether federal, state, or local, may use taxpayer funds to pay settlements or judgments resulting from civil lawsuits alleging violations of Civil Rights.
- Penalties for Violation: Any individual or group of individuals involved in authorizing or facilitating the use of taxpayer funds for this purpose will face a minimum prison sentence of 10 years.
Section 2: Elimination of Qualified Immunity as an Automatic Defense
- Civilian Review Board Oversight:
• Civil Rights lawsuits will no longer be immediately dismissed using Qualified Immunity.
• The case must first be evaluated by a Civilian Review Board (CRB) as described in Section 8. - Qualified Immunity Restrictions:
• If the CRB determines Civil Rights were violated, the Qualified Immunity defense cannot be invoked to dismiss the lawsuit.
• If no violation is found, the Qualified Immunity defense may be applied.
Section 3: Individual Insurance Requirement for Employees
- Mandatory Insurance:
• All government employees, including law enforcement officers and officials who benefit from Qualified Immunity, are required to maintain an individual Civil Rights liability insurance policy.
• The insurance must cover lawsuits stemming from Civil Rights violations for which the employee is convicted. - Prohibition on Insuring Repeat Offenders:
• No insurance company may issue liability insurance to employees who have been convicted of three (3) Civil Rights violations.
Section 4: Employee Restrictions During Civil Rights Lawsuits
- Ineligibility to Perform Duties:
• Any government employee who is a defendant in a pending Civil Rights lawsuit is prohibited from performing official duties until the lawsuit is resolved.
• Such employees may not be placed on paid administrative leave but may be placed on unpaid administrative leave. - Prevention of Employment Transfers:
• Employees under investigation or with pending lawsuits for Civil Rights violations are prohibited from resigning to avoid disciplinary action and being rehired by another agency.
• Agencies found to have knowingly hired such employees will face penalties, including financial sanctions and administrative review. - False Statements to Obtain Employment:
• Any government employee found to have knowingly lied or provided false information to secure a position at another agency will face a minimum prison sentence of 15 years.
Section 5: Termination of Eligibility After Multiple Violations
- Three-Strikes Policy:
• Any government employee convicted of three (3) Civil Rights violations will be permanently barred from holding any government position that benefits from Qualified Immunity protections.
Section 6: Transparency of Disciplinary Records
- Public Access:
• All disciplinary records of government employees shall be publicly accessible within 15 business days of a valid request.
• Agencies failing to comply will pay the requester $250 per calendar day starting on the 16th business day, up to a maximum of $250,000.
Section 7: Civilian Review Board (CRB)
- Composition and Selection:
• Each CRB will consist of 13 individuals randomly selected from the local population, similar to jury duty.
• Independent attorneys will serve in an advisory role to guide CRB members on relevant state and federal laws. - CRB Responsibilities:
• Evaluate evidence, context, and information related to Civil Rights lawsuits from a “reasonable person” perspective.
• Make determinations on whether Civil Rights were violated based on a majority vote. - Nondisclosure Agreements (NDA):
• All CRB members and attorneys must sign NDAs, with violations punishable by a minimum of 5 years in prison. - Protections Against Interference:
• Any individual who hinders, intimidates, or threatens CRB members or advisors will face a minimum fine of $100,000 and a minimum prison sentence of 5 years. - Outcome Determinations:
• Violation Found: If the CRB determines Civil Rights were violated, both parties will receive documentation supporting the finding, and Qualified Immunity cannot be invoked.
• No Violation Found: If the CRB finds no violation, both parties will receive documentation supporting the finding, and Qualified Immunity may be invoked.
Section 8: Penalties for Noncompliance
- Agencies or employees found in violation of any section of this law will be subject to penalties, including fines, imprisonment, or both, as specified in each section.
- Failure to comply with this law will result in mandatory federal oversight and review of the offending agency or entity.
This federal law ensures accountability for government employees and agencies while protecting the rights of American citizens. Its clear and comprehensive structure promotes transparency and restores public trust in the justice system.