Farm land

Can we stop using farmland for solar or large factories? there are so many empty buildings in big cities why use farmland? near my home in MI a ford battery factory is currently being built on 2000 acres of farmland, why not reuse empty factories? it would help those bigger cities that are struggling and save our farmland for growing food


This is happening here in the Panhandle of Florida. It sickens me to the core of my soul to see live trees removed for an agenda that is so unrealistic. Trees protect our way of life with the manipulation of the weather. Without them… it’s open range of wind game on for the rural community.


While it may seem like a waste of farmland initially, there may be a silver lining here. I live in a rural county in upstate New York which was, at one time, primarily made up of small family farms. Our taxes here are high, especially considering the socioeconomic level. So many small farms have had to stop farming because our agricultural policies incentivize large factory farms. These farms that were held for generations in the same family are now faced with either selling their farm or, if they are lucky, getting help with the tax burden through a local conservation organization. The land, if sold, is most likely to support housing development infrastructure. At least one such farmer I know has used his land for solar panels and has been able to hold onto the land. I personally find them a bit unsightly but the land will still be recoverable as farmland in the future if needed. That won’t be the case if it is developed for housing.

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