Factory Farm Tougher Regulations- Animal Cruelty

Factory Farms are notorious for keeping the abuse and cruelty exercised upon helpless animals raised for food, a dark secret. Regulations to allow open access to open filming at will, and requiring disclosures to the American people regarding how animals are housed and treated may make these industrial concentration camps act more responsibly.
We cannot turn a blind eye to the plight of lesser creatures by letting these terrible atrocities take place in secret. The sheer numbers of animals killed without regard to the fact that they are sentient creatures, is mind boggling. Matthew Scully in his book, Dominion: The Power of Man, The Suffering of Animals, and The Call to Mercy outlines a cogent, cohesive and intellectual argument for the responsibility humans have towards lower animals. Further, these factory farms process unreasonable numbers of animals creating the unsanitary mess that leads to bacterial outbreaks in our food sources. Tighter requirements for, and open access to larger industrial farms will provide safer more sanitary conditions for this food source, as well as take a step in the right direction for animal rights and advocacy.

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