Extreme Regulations on product quality, and excessive manufacturing

Create an extreme world product regulation task force, with extremely high quality standards for all products manufactured around the world. Such as but not limited to: Cellphones, laptops, tv’s, light bulbs, solar panels (must be unlocked to full capacity, allowing 100% of solar intake/ output capabilities instead if the 12% allowed today) and all other electronics must be manufactured to last 15 to 20 years min eliminating excessive manufacturing and corporate greed. All companies or corporations non compliant will suffer a 300 to 500% tariff and or a extreme ban on all imported goods not meeting WERPQ standards. This includes Clothing, Shoes, & Apparel. All companies producing Styrofoam, plastic, microplastics, will be madated to pay for the complete clean up of global polluted regions effected by the products they make.
Not allowing greedy corporations such as one named after a certain Jungle south America to excessively produce poorly made toxic products and ship billions of Pollutants each day without one thought about the waste every single product creates. From manufacturing, packing, shipping to its disposal. The goal of the WERPQ will be to eliminate 30-50% of toxic materials used in our daily life and replace them with non-toxic bio biodegradable land and ocean friendly replacements by 2035. This action and change will dramatically remove microplastics, toxins, and life threatening Pollutants from lakes, oceans, seas, animals, and humans. Also creating thousands of jobs to a healthier planet. We can not get well if our Fish and animals, our People, our world is sick. Something must change!