Expand and limit food stamps

While in nursing school, I checked groceries at our local store. 90% of the time I could tell which carts were going to pay with food stamps, simply buy the low quality of food that filled their carts.

I thought it was a shame that this was the only food they felt like they could afford. They were buying for bulk, not for nutrition.

I thought that the WIC program was a much better way of bringing nutrition to those who could not afford it. Which made me wonder, is it possible to move food stamps to a WIC style program for all people in need of food assistance?

For example, it would allow them so many pounds of fresh fruits and vegetables, so many pounds of fresh meat, healthy grains, and cereals, eggs, milk, etc. And even an occasional sweet treat. But not cart loads of white bread, sugar cereals, junk food and pop.

If they remain on food stamps for years and years without buying nutritious food, then their health suffers, and now that is an additional financial dependency upon the taxpayers.

I also purpose on this type of a format, there would be allowances for toothpaste, soap, shampoo, toilet paper, and feminine products. All of these are necessary to live a healthy life.


Love this idea! I had foster kids on food stamps and I too was discouraged at the effort put into the system to give nutrition. I always say to my own kids I will provide needs, not wants. If they want something wait until your birthday or Christmas or buy it yourself. I feel like the government systems can disable a persons desire and ability to create for themselves and pushes them farther away from helping others. Humans innately want to help others and the systems that have been currently setup have kept us from these opportunities. Keeping us from being our best self.

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I agree with some of this there should be some items pulled from the food stamp list like soda, candy, chips, ECT. That being said, putting a WIC system on food stamps would make things hard for some families. Some people don’t know how or have access to equipment needed to cook actual food. By limiting all of the “junk” or processed foods you would cause a large portion of the population to go hungry. You also have to consider that many people are adjusted to the taste of things and would have a hard time getting their kids to switch, for example from white bread to whole wheat. It would be great if their purchases were monitored and families who constantly buy frozen microwave meals, or boxed prossed items would be offered education on how to better their families eating, and additional benefits for switching to a more healthy diet.

As one of the over 41.2 million people who are on SNAP/food stamps, I would rather have RFK Jr. ask manufacturers and food providers to make healthier versions of traditional “junk” foods and drinks as opposed to restricting purchases of any food or drink. The problem lies at the manufacturer level, not at the consumer and retailer level.